Home Hello World

Hello World

First Blog Post

Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

This is the first blog post I’ve ever written. I’ve always wanted to get into blogging but I never had the motivation to learn a tool or platform like Wordpress or something similar. As a developer, I’m always learning, but I want that learning to be development itself, not Wordpress.

The other day, I was poking around in Github and I decided to look into Github Pages just to see what it was capable of. I pulled up Youtube and found this awesome video about using Jekyll with Github Pages to blog.

I finally found an easy way to blog without the overhead of learning a new tool. There is very mininmal setup to get this up and running and then after that, you get to use developer tools that we are all familar with (Github, git, VSCode) to write and manage the content.

If you are looking for an easy way to start blogging using great tooling and hosting, checkout the video and try it for yourself.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.