C# Bytes

Reference - Connection Strings

Connection Strings Reference Postgre "Server=localhost; Port=5432; Database=dbname; User Id=postgres; Password=password" SQL Server Local DB - Trusted Connection: "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocald...

Using Entity Framework Core in Separate Class Library Using SQL Server

Using Entity Framework Core in Separate Class Library Using SQL Server In the post, let’s walk through using Entity Framework Core in a separate class library using SQL Server and an ASP.NET Core ...

Using Entity Framework Core in Separate Class Library Using PostgreSql

Using Entity Framework Core in Separate Class Library Using PostgreSql In the post, let’s walk through using Entity Framework Core in a separate class library using Blazor Server as the UI. I lik...

Hello World

First Blog Post Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); This is the first blog post I’ve ever written. I’ve always wanted to get into blogging but I never had the motivation to learn a tool or platfo...